Shellfish Business Expands Off Site at Glenariffe.

MKA Planning have successfully obtained planning permission for an off site expansion of an existing Shellfish business in the countryside to provide another building to provide additional assembly, storage and parking facilities for the expansion of an established shellfish business at Glen Road, Glenariffe.

McMullan Shellfish is a registered wholesale fish merchants involved in fishing and trading of fish, crustaceans and molluscs. In 2008 they diversified into marine contract works.  The business is primarily involved in fishing and trading of shellfish.

The shellfish are brought back to Glenariffe Road where they are prepared, boxed and stored ready for export to mainly European destinations with France being the primary export destination.

In recent years the Company’s sales have increased significantly and due to their continued success they required additional space to assemble and store fishing cages used at sea as well as park company vehicles.

The existing business is located at Glenariffe Road, outside the settlement development (SDL) limits of Waterford in the rural remainder.  As can be seen from the existing site plan attached there was no room to expand within the site or adjoining it.




The application site was an agricultural field around 1 mile from the existing business; outside the SDL of Glenariffe Bay, in the rural remainder and was assessed under Planning Policy Statement  21 ‘Sustainable Development in the Countryside’ and PPS 4 ‘Planning and Economic Development.

MKA Planning were able to persuade the Planning Service in negotiations that:

  1. The site of the existing business and adjoining lands could not accommodate reuse, extension or expansion of the established business;
  2. Through a sequential test, that the application site was the first available site suitable for the size, scale and nature of proposal which did not have unacceptable environmental or amenity impacts;
  3. The expansion of the business would make a significant contribution to the local economy through increased employment and spin off to local businesses and suppliers.

Extensive negotiations with the Planning Services ensured that there was no policy issue with the application and that detailed concerns such as landscaping /boundary treatment and any amenity impacts on local residents were addressed.

To view a copy of the planning decision approved under DOE Ref. No: E/2012/0223 click below

McMullan Shellfish – Planning Decision

This is one of a number of rural businesses that MKA Planning have been successful in obtaining permission for expansion in the countryside.  If you have any rural business expansion plans contact Matt or one of the MKA Team at 02871311551 to discuss your options.


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