MKA Planning have recently won a planning appeal for a farm dwelling at Scotchtown Road, Bellarena.
Planning Service had refused a farm dwelling clustered with existing farm buildings on visual amenity grounds and as an approval might lead to the potential creation of two infill sites along the farm lane under Policy CTY 8 of PPS 21.
MKA Planning convinced the Commissioner that the application for a farm dwelling visually integrated into the landscape, was acceptable on its planning merits and any potential future infill opportunity along the farm lane was not relevant to this appeal.
This planning appeal illustrates that PPS 21 has now extended the issue of ribbon development, which previously only affected public roads, to now apply on privately owned farm lanes.
This raises interesting planning issues as one man’s ‘farm cluster’ is another man’s ‘ribbon of development’. Under PPS 21 it could be argued that there would appear to be an inherent conflict between Policy CTY 10 requiring farm dwellings to cluster with existing farm complexes and Policy CTY 8 which restricts ribbon development along farm lanes. There are likely to be many more planning appeals on this matter before this conflict is resolved.