MKA Planning have been successful in obtaining planning permission for 6 no. dwellings at lands at Coshquin Road, Derry, for a private Client.
The subject site is zoned “white land” and is located within the development limits of Derry as defined in the Derry Area Plan 2011 where there is a general presumption in favour of development.
MKA Planning were able to demonstrate that Planning permission should be approved on the site for the following reasons;
- The principle of development was already established on the site with approval being granted for 4 no. dwellings accessed off a private drive.
- It is in keeping with government initiatives to increase residential densities and to create balanced communities
- It will create a highly sustainable, attractive and quality residential environment that results in the comprehensive development of the entire site.
- The proposal respects the surrounding context and is appropriate to the character and topography of the site, will be locally distinctive and will provide a high quality living environment for future occupiers.
- The proposal will only slightly exceed the Department’s threshold for using a private drive.
For further information under Ref. No: A/2014/0463/O visit Planning Service PublicAccess webpage.
To see the approved block plan click below: –
Block Plan
Block Plan (1)